Give women the tools and resources they need to change their lives.
Find details here on various ways to make a gift, or email majorgifts@womenforwomen.org to learn more.
Remembering Women for Women International in your will is a powerful way to leave a meaningful legacy for women survivors of war and may also have tax benefits. You can also leave a legacy by naming Women for Women International as beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a retirement plan (such as IRA or 401(k) plan). Of course, your personal financial situation is unique, so you should be sure to talk to your financial or legal advisor before making a bequest or creating a legacy. Please reach out to us at rsegree@womenforwomen.org to learn more.
The easiest way to make a bequest to Women for Women International is through your will or living trust. You can list a specific dollar amount, a particular asset, such as securities or real estate, or leave a percentage of your estate, or the residual of your estate, after providing for loved ones.
Here is some recommended language for the most common kinds of bequests:
I give, devise, and bequeath to Women for Women International, 2000 M Street NW, Suite 750-A, Washington, DC 20036, all [or state the fraction or percentage] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, for its general purposes.
Sample Bequest of Specific Amount or Asset: I give, devise, and bequeath to Women for Women International, 2000 M Street NW, Suite 750-A, Washington, DC 20036, the sum of $_____ (or a description of the specific asset) for it general purposes.
For sample language to include in your will or living trust, please contact rsegree@womenforwomen.org.
Giving through an Individual Retirement Account or 401(k) plan is another easy way to create a legacy to Women for Women International. Amounts remaining in retirement accounts are often subject to heavy taxes. By naming Women for Women International as the beneficiary of your retirement plan assets, you can make a tax-wise gift while supporting women survivors of war.
You can create a legacy by naming Women for Women International as the beneficiary of all are part of a life insurance policy you may already own. All you need to do is contact your insurance provider for instructions on how to change your beneficiary designation.